Day 43 - 47 To Columbus, Louisville and Saint Louis
Tuesday Corinne took me to the bus station and off I went to Columbus, Ohio. Columbus was just a stop so I did not have to sit on the bus for too long or arrive too late. I did not see much of Columbus but the bit I saw, I did not like very much.... Wednesday I carried on to Louisville, Kentucky (pronounce Loo-e-ville). It's on the Ohio river and I really liked what I saw. Actually wished I could stay a day but that was not how the plan worked and on it went to Saint Louis, Missourie. St Louis is on the Mississippi, with half the city in Missouri and the other half in Illinois. It's a pretty city and has the most amazing arch, the Gateway Arch. It is the symbol of St Louis and was built in 1965 as a monument to the westward expansion of the United States. Close to the arch, on the banks of the Mississippi there is a monument of Lewis and Clark, who led an expedition from this area to the Pacific coast. Lewis and Clark Went up that arch. Was quite the expe...