DAY 36: And on to Calgary

From Lake Louise I travelled with Brewster Express to Calgary via Banff. Banff is like Jasper, a tourist town, but even more so. It is bigger and full of hotels and guesthouses. I had an hour long wait here at the bus station, which was modern, clean and had a nice café.

Soon after Banff we left the Rockies behind and were out on the Prairie, where it is pretty flat.... all the way to Toronto.

Calgary is a nice city, clean and with a lovely walkway along the river.

This sculpture is called "Conversation".

This is part of a group that includes a woman holding a Journal from 18 October 1929, saying: "Women are persons...."

I have seen this in several places now, a large shallow splash pool where children play with the water when it is hot. There is lawn on the side and mothers sit there with their kids, babies in strollers, having picnics etc.

It was right near here where a young man in a wheelchair didn't quite manage to get onto the pavement and tipped over onto the street. I helped some guys to get him off the street and back into his chair. Poor guy.

This looked like a lot of fun. Wonder how far they were going?


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