DAY176 - 178 Arriving in Namibia - Windhoek

On Monday I left Fuessen by train, to Frankfurt (2 degrees C). Tuesday I was going to leave my luggage at the Pension and go shopping. Ghmf… no, I had to be out by 10am, no luggage storage facility. So I very quickly went to the closest supermarket at 8am (dressed in coat and scarf and still freezing) and bought a piece of baked cheesecake for breakfast and a "leeeettle" chocolate to take with me. 
By 11:30am I was at the airport.... my flight was only at 7:40pm. What a long day that was. The flight was good though, had a window seat and an empty seat next to me. 

Landed on time in Windhoek and then the surprises started (which they should not have been!!!) 
1. Getting out of the plane and it being super hot and the air super dry. 
2. How long it took to process the travellers from 1 plane only through immigration! 1.5 hours I stood in line! 
3. How much Windhoek had changed since 1996. Very little looks like I remember it.

But some things are exactly the same... the warm, friendly nature of the people, my family. The friends who are making the effort to catch up with me. LOVELY. I feel at home.
The Khomas Hoogland, just before we landed at Hosea Kotako

Hosea Kotako is sadly a typical African airport..... really needs and upgrade and a shake -up

With Magda

With Petro

With Magda, Hilde and Petro

And then van Zyltjie joined us. I taught these girls from 1980-1983.

Visiting with my Maass-Rellies in Windhoek where it is sizzling hot and a braai under the lapa is just the thing. Little Le-Ru (3) had put himself to bed, so I sadly did not get a photo with him. He is in the group photo though.

Would you call the next generation my ex-grand-nephews???? :) 

School mate Bertie Reyneke

School mate Johannes van Zyl

This is a koeksister.... and it was very lekker!

And on Friday 2 November I flew to Lüderitz via Oranjemund. Quite a sight from the air.

Taking off from Windhoek

Very cute how they serve the food on Air Namibia

And it was quite tasty

Oranjemund airport

Along the coast where diamonds are mined

Kolmans with the plane coming in to land


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