DAY 175: Frankfurt

It really is time I move south, way south, all the way south to Namibia. The temperature here in Germany dropped very suddenly. Yesterday the sun was still shining and I was walking with short sleeves. Today it rained all day, and as the dude on TV just now said, in Muenchen they are back to wearing thermal socks with their sandals!

Did not see much of Frankfurt but that is no big deal, have been here before, don't think it has changed much. I was originally hoping to catch up with my cousin Brigitte but alas, she is not home.

I cannot believe it is nearly over... 3 months North America = done, 3 months Europe = done. Only 1 month in Namibia left.

I hope I am not going to be on the wing!!!

On my way to Frankfurt by train.

My last dinner in Germany.... Schnitzel.

Weird... the place I am staying, is decorated like it is American/Hollywood-ish.

I am a grown-up, I can have cake for breakfast!

Winging my way from Frankfurt to Windhoek.


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