DAY 179 - 209: Luderitz Part 4 - Elizabethbucht

I had heaps of fun joining Heinz and his guests on their trips around the Peninsula,to Kolmans and Elizabethbucht. Not sure if I was a help or a hinderance but I sure had a good time. We had groups from Austria, Switzerland, Germany and even a couple from New Zealand.

Sign in the café at Kolmans.

The sell really special things at the shop at Kolmans, be it this Prickly Pear Juice or the Nam Flavaspices, it sure is a treat.

Kolmans - the foundations in the foreground, next to the "tree" are all that is left of the home of where my father grew up.

Every time I visit, there is less left. Nature is reclaiming it all. 

In New Zealand the Health and Safety people would have a lot to say about people just freely walking around, into and over these ruins. They would not trust you to be sensible and keep yourself safe.

The Atlantic as seen through a hole in a very thick wall.

And there she is, the old brown hyena, Obelixia. You don't often get to see her...

A renovators dream!!



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