Day 25 - 27 Still in Portland

On Friday Junior and I drove to Mt Angel, a German-American Town. Not sure anyone can actually still speak the lingo but they do know how to make a good sausage and the beer isn't half bad either.


Afterwards we had some delish ice cream at the Salt and Straw in downtown Portland.

The weekend was family time as Elaine at last had time off. On Sunday all their family came over for a typical American BBQ with Hamburgers and salads and a divine berry cobbler with ice cream as desert. 

Cousin Elaine chatting with Tyler's Mum

Junior and Virginia (seated), Francisca's grandmother

Tyler and Bernice

Brendan and Bernice

Also at the BBQ were Francisca's Mum, little brother, Sister with husband and 2 little boys. Somehow I did not get them on photo...

I had a lovely day with wonderful people. 

And a random chocolate chip cookie.


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