DAY 76 - 81: Boston and Cape Cod

I got to Boston on the 22nd of July and got a terrible cold. Boston is somewhat of a vague memory. The hostel was great, it had several couched areas and all-day free coffee. So I spent quite a bit of time right there on a couch, feeling sorry for myself and missing home. And I made 3 new friends: Maria, Darren and Jim. 

Darren (in his 40s) was there to find accommodation as he was going back to uni to do a masters in Business Finance. He was a bit of a dish except for a terrible squint that you only noticed when he took his glasses off. He was smart and good company. And Maria had a thing for him.

Maria (in her 60s) was of Iranian heritage and very, very outspoken and opinionated. Says she to me: "This (the specific couched area) used to be Maria and Darren's room until you came along. But you are welcome." Hehehe... so funny. But she also gave me good advice. Turns out her ex-husband was a paediatric pulmonologist and he swore by zinc for lung issues. I got myself a zinc supplement and it did wonders.

And then there was Jim (in his 40s), a cross-dresser on holiday from some small town in the Mid-West. Quite surreal discussing the pros and cons of a certain foundation advertised on TV with a man. A man who is wearing much more makeup than me, who has beautifully manicured and pedicured pink nails, suffers from early male boldness and has a slight 5 o'clock shadow... I guess it takes all sorts to make the world go round. 

I did manage to get up of that couch and go on a day trip to Cape Cod with a boat trip included and also did manage to do a bit of sight-seeing in Boston. But I also spent a lot of time on that couch... 

Cape Cod is beautiful, absolutely a holiday area. 

Large geese on the beach

Large white beaches

A typical Cape Cod home

Very beautiful area

Some very rich people have holiday homes here

Part of the Kennedy Compound. No high walls or guarded gates, just several of the Kennedy family homes in close proximity.

Lovely day for a boat trip

Yup, lots of rich people in this world

Kennedy Memorial on Cape Cod

In front of the John F Kennedy Museum

One way of sight-seeing - Duck Mobile

Statue of a local American Indian

Massachusetts State House

Marking the Underground Railroad - Not underground and not a railroad at all. It is just the way followed by freed slaves from the south. If you follow this line, you will find all the places in Boston where they found safety.

Boston Harbour where the Boston Tea Party took place and the beginning of America's rebellion against the motherland, Britain.

The pub that was used in the TV series Cheers. Just the outside was used. The interior was a set built in Hollywood.

Something to do with the Boston Red Sox

Beautiful 3-D Mural

Wonder if the owner is a Scorpio?

Just random on the side of a building, blowing steam!

Some days I look and feel like this froggy... deep in thought about it all.

Just something I picked up in lifts in the US... They do not have a ground floor and then 1. floor is one up. Their ground floor is the 1st floor and it always has a star next to it.

Modern Boston

Coming over the bridge from Boston Harbour


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