DAY 9: Last Day LA

Today I had a slow day. Nothing really planned other than doing my laundry and repacking my bag.

In the afternoon I strolled up to the Metro Station to put more money on my Tap Card so that it would be quick and easy to get on the train tomorrow morning. And it was only then that I noticed the shop across the road! NOT FAIR!!! And there is a gym right next door to it. That I noticed on day one. I wonder why? Guilty conscience maybe?

Walked along the 3rd Street Promenade and wasn’t wowed at all. Just more of the same tourist-junk. Did find this upmarket retailer though, with a whole window covered in old Singer sewing machines.

                                                              And look who I bumped into!
Wonder what they were up to?

Took one last stroll along the beachfront and realised that this is the last time I will see the Pacific until the 5th of December when we come in to land in Auckland.

Visited the Santa Monica Pier one last time. Now this place I like! There is always something to do and see on the pier. No wonder it is so popular. And you do not have to spend a penny if you don’t want to. You can just find a sunny spot and enjoy.

I made myself comfortable on a bench in the sun and watched this 71 year old performer sing and entertain. He was excellent, good voice and very funny. But most of all I had to admire his joie de vivre. 

The one thing I do not like about my trip so far, is seeing all the homeless people! Even here in beautiful Santa Monica… Not on the pier itself, but on the grass and on the benches along the beachfront. It was the same in Hawaii. I would not want to go for a walk along the beach at night, not with so many homeless people camping there. I wonder how often one of them dies and no-one notices. 

On a happier note, check out these jandals! This could be like walking barefoot on lawn all day!

And with that, my love to you all the way from Los Angeles and more specifically, Santa Monica! Tomorrow it is onwards to Anaheim.
Remember, sometimes.....
On a wall in the hostel! :)


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