DAY 3: San Francisco

Today I bought a cap, watched a whale, drank beer, saw some bison and spent time with an old hippie. That’s the short version. J Keep reading if you would like to hear more.

I bought the cap because I got so sunburnt yesterday. Not a hat person, but what choice did I have?

It was a beautiful morning and the sun was out, so I caught the 9am bus to the Golden Gate Bridge and walked across. Everyone takes photos of the bridge but I wanted to take photos off the bridge… It was a lovely walk. Most people only walk to the first tower. And most of those who do cross to the other side, do so by bicycle. I prefer walking as you have time to really appreciate the view, stop and take photos. And this is when I noticed the whale putting on a show in the bay.

On the other side of the bridge I hopped back on the bus and carried on to Sausalito, a quaint costal town with lots of gift shops and art shops and eateries. Got myself a large slice of pizza, a salad and California Lager for lunch and had it on the beach. Not sure if they allow public drinking but who is going to suspect a little old lady of such behaviour?

After lunch I went for a quick tour through Golden Gate Park where they have a man-made waterfall and also 6 bison.

Late afternoon I met up with an old(er) guide for a walking tour around Haight-Ashbury. Old enough to recognise the name? Very, very interesting…. so many stories he had to tell. He himself is a singer-songwriter and had “partaken” quite a bit in the seventies it sounds like. I was way too young for the summer of love (1967) but was aware of the movement and the disdain the older generation had for all this “lazy lawlessness and debauchery”. Say what you will, the hippies had a big influence on how western society has been shaped into what it is today. It is a beautiful area with many beautiful Victorian homes, painted in beautiful colours and with lots of detail. Not much of the hippie era is left except for lots of murals and a few shops selling tie-dyed clothing etc. But the stories linger…..

Tonight I am absolutely pooped from all the walking. The important thing though, is that I did it. My back aches but my soul sings. Marita  - 1, OA – 0  whoohoo.

Don't do caps, don't do selfies.... yet here we are!

The Golden Gate Bridge in all its glory

Lunch in Sausalito

Golden Gate Park


My old hippie-tour guide

For Alou, look what Mimi found!

Who knows what 4:20 means???

Peace, Love and Ice Cream..... works for me.


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