DAY 10: Anaheim

Two Metro trains, one Amtrak train and two local busses to get to Anaheim and the Crystal Cathedral, now known as Christ Cathedral. I always thought that should I ever visit the US, I would make the effort to visit this place, given what the message of possibility-thinking has meant to me when things were tough.

It’s a beautiful building, steel construction totally covered in glass. 

The tower

The bottom of the tower

Beautiful gardens with lots of statues.

Moses with the Ten Commandments

The Garden of Remembrance

But sadly you cannot get inside as the Catholic Church who bought it a while back is busy renovating it. Saw pictures of what it is going to look like on the inside…. not a fan. It was beautiful as it was. I liked the simplicity. Now it is being “ornatefied”. Not sure how that will fit with the outside of the building.

I am glad I did make the effort. Just wish I could have had a few quiet minutes inside. I went inside the oratorium that is currently used for services but that is just so different.


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